Best Lap
43.590 NR (lap 6)
25 Laps (22.08 MPH)
Sunny 19°C Track: Dry

Full Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On
1 34 NR NR T 10 17:33.715 22.08 MPH 43.590 6
2 26 70 Claudio La Rosa EN60 B 25 18:35.415 52.15 MPH 0.003 43.593 15
3 24 65 Naff Taffs EN60 A 24 19:02.080 48.89 MPH 0.076 43.666 11
4 5 13 Tarik Almou EN60 A 24 18:48.475 49.48 MPH 0.148 43.738 24
5 3 12 Clive Morphett EN60 B 25 19:03.265 50.88 MPH 0.207 43.797 18
6 14 45 Andrew Mather EN60 B 24 18:23.761 50.59 MPH 0.226 43.816 20
7 15 52 Max Kenney EN60 A 22 17:42.974 48.15 MPH 0.318 43.908 20
8 6 19 Alex Edwards EN60 B 25 18:57.093 51.15 MPH 0.333 43.923 22
9 15 57 Steve Moody EN60 A 25 18:43.163 51.78 MPH 0.334 43.924 19
10 7 4 JJ Aiston EN60 A 25 18:39.162 51.97 MPH 0.337 43.927 7
11 0 15 Jon Buck EN60 A 25 18:40.590 51.9 MPH 0.411 44.001 12
12 8 6 Jason Kirk EN60 A 25 18:39.457 51.96 MPH 0.413 44.003 11
13 0 17 Murray Knott EN60 A 25 19:05.184 50.79 MPH 0.425 44.015 15
14 9 56 Matt Horgan EN60 B 25 18:39.841 51.94 MPH 0.471 44.061 23
15 14 74 Stephen Westwood EN60 B 25 18:51.945 51.38 MPH 0.522 44.112 20
16 2 40 Kyle Plumridge EN60 A 25 18:49.040 51.51 MPH 0.552 44.142 11
17 4 46 Itchy Scratchy Racing EN60 B 23 18:52.505 47.25 MPH 0.622 44.212 9
18 13 7 Ian Wilson EN60 B 25 18:41.705 51.85 MPH 0.624 44.214 17
19 7 63 Melanie Broxis EN60 B 25 19:04.830 50.81 MPH 0.679 44.269 15
20 5 58 Howard Mitchell EN60 B 25 18:59.413 51.05 MPH 0.732 44.322 14
21 11 80 David Hamer EN60 B 24 18:34.848 50.08 MPH 0.755 44.345 24
22 16 8 Elliot Wilson EN60 B 18 18:35.479 37.54 MPH 0.761 44.351 18
23 11 EM EM T 5 3:49.234 50.75 MPH 0.814 44.404 4
24 14 14 Tom Szwed EN60 A 20 18:45.160 41.35 MPH 0.832 44.422 9
25 6 42 Jimmy Broadbent EN60 B 24 18:13.171 51.08 MPH 0.861 44.451 18
26 5 78 Hilda Racing EN60 B 23 18:53.552 47.21 MPH 0.895 44.485 9
27 9 JG JG T 9 13:55.395 25.06 MPH 0.902 44.492 9
28 12 36 Chris Lewis Evans EN60 A 24 18:20.052 50.76 MPH 0.932 44.522 18
29 22 10 Stuart Kirk EN60 B 20 18:42.204 41.46 MPH 0.970 44.560 20
30 7 MT MT T 8 8:46.982 35.32 MPH 1.017 44.607 7
31 2 81 Steve Lindley EN60 B 24 18:31.921 50.22 MPH 1.018 44.608 24
32 20 16 Mungo Knott EN60 B 25 19:02.160 50.92 MPH 1.213 44.803 21
33 3 76 Leapers and Leavers EN60 B 23 19:07.242 46.64 MPH 1.267 44.857 22
34 17 39 Mike Tann EN60 B 24 18:26.409 50.47 MPH 1.424 45.014 19
35 33 2 Christopher Heath EN60 B 25 19:13.974 50.4 MPH 1.554 45.144 11
36 21 34 Simon Holdsworth EN60 B 24 18:54.693 49.21 MPH 2.075 45.665 17
37 36 1 Tim Randell EN60 B 24 19:00.627 48.95 MPH 2.429 46.019 21

T Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On
1 1 NR NR 10 17:33.715 22.08 MPH 43.590 6
2 1 EM EM 5 3:49.234 50.75 MPH 44.404 4
3 0 JG JG 9 13:55.395 25.06 MPH 44.492 9
4 0 MT MT 8 8:46.982 35.32 MPH 44.607 7

EN60 Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On
1 27 70 Claudio La Rosa B 25 18:35.415 52.15 MPH 43.593 15
2 25 65 Naff Taffs A 24 19:02.080 48.89 MPH 43.666 11
3 6 13 Tarik Almou A 24 18:48.475 49.48 MPH 43.738 24
4 4 12 Clive Morphett B 25 19:03.265 50.88 MPH 43.797 18
5 15 45 Andrew Mather B 24 18:23.761 50.59 MPH 43.816 20
6 16 52 Max Kenney A 22 17:42.974 48.15 MPH 43.908 20
7 7 19 Alex Edwards B 25 18:57.093 51.15 MPH 43.923 22
8 16 57 Steve Moody A 25 18:43.163 51.78 MPH 43.924 19
9 6 4 JJ Aiston A 25 18:39.162 51.97 MPH 43.927 7
10 1 15 Jon Buck A 25 18:40.590 51.9 MPH 44.001 12
11 7 6 Jason Kirk A 25 18:39.457 51.96 MPH 44.003 11
12 1 17 Murray Knott A 25 19:05.184 50.79 MPH 44.015 15
13 10 56 Matt Horgan B 25 18:39.841 51.94 MPH 44.061 23
14 15 74 Stephen Westwood B 25 18:51.945 51.38 MPH 44.112 20
15 3 40 Kyle Plumridge A 25 18:49.040 51.51 MPH 44.142 11
16 5 46 Itchy Scratchy Racing B 23 18:52.505 47.25 MPH 44.212 9
17 12 7 Ian Wilson B 25 18:41.705 51.85 MPH 44.214 17
18 8 63 Melanie Broxis B 25 19:04.830 50.81 MPH 44.269 15
19 6 58 Howard Mitchell B 25 18:59.413 51.05 MPH 44.322 14
20 12 80 David Hamer B 24 18:34.848 50.08 MPH 44.345 24
21 15 8 Elliot Wilson B 18 18:35.479 37.54 MPH 44.351 18
22 12 14 Tom Szwed A 20 18:45.160 41.35 MPH 44.422 9
23 4 42 Jimmy Broadbent B 24 18:13.171 51.08 MPH 44.451 18
24 7 78 Hilda Racing B 23 18:53.552 47.21 MPH 44.485 9
25 9 36 Chris Lewis Evans A 24 18:20.052 50.76 MPH 44.522 18
26 19 10 Stuart Kirk B 20 18:42.204 41.46 MPH 44.560 20
27 6 81 Steve Lindley B 24 18:31.921 50.22 MPH 44.608 24
28 16 16 Mungo Knott B 25 19:02.160 50.92 MPH 44.803 21
29 1 76 Leapers and Leavers B 23 19:07.242 46.64 MPH 44.857 22
30 13 39 Mike Tann B 24 18:26.409 50.47 MPH 45.014 19
31 29 2 Christopher Heath B 25 19:13.974 50.4 MPH 45.144 11
32 17 34 Simon Holdsworth B 24 18:54.693 49.21 MPH 45.665 17
33 32 1 Tim Randell B 24 19:00.627 48.95 MPH 46.019 21