Best Lap
58.120 Overdraft Racing (lap 28)
34 Laps (29.20 MPH)

Full Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 6 7 Overdraft Racing ENP 34 38:59.022 29.2 MPH 58.120 28 7
2 28 102 JrJrJrJrJrJrJr T 27 38:23.637 23.55 MPH 3.685 1:01.805 24 30
3 20 56 Driving Miss JV ENP C 32 38:37.737 27.74 MPH 3.709 1:01.829 18 23
4 1 5 Tanked Up Racing ENP 29 39:06.826 24.82 MPH 3.860 1:01.980 29 5
5 26 103 BPBP T 25 38:10.955 21.92 MPH 3.876 1:01.996 14 31
6 2 4 Pure Racing ENP 34 38:28.222 29.59 MPH 3.876 1:01.996 21 4
7 14 52 Inkjet Racing ENP C 31 37:50.247 27.43 MPH 3.939 1:02.059 23 21
8 0 8 Alliance Racing ENP 31 38:14.608 27.14 MPH 4.024 1:02.144 27 8
9 7 2 The Wafty Growlers ENP 28 39:00.337 24.03 MPH 4.289 1:02.409 28 2
10 19 101 NRNRNRNRNR T 26 34:06.406 25.52 MPH 4.290 1:02.410 23 29
11 10 1 Ministry Of Speed ENP 32 36:55.412 29.02 MPH 4.354 1:02.474 27 1
12 9 3 Es Car Go ENP 28 38:15.889 24.5 MPH 4.386 1:02.506 25 3
13 11 57 Clunge Racing ENP C 33 38:22.433 28.79 MPH 4.817 1:02.937 13 24
14 5 9 Top Gun ENP 31 39:12.359 26.47 MPH 4.968 1:03.088 24 9
15 1 45 Team DGB ENP C 31 37:13.598 27.88 MPH 5.147 1:03.267 29 14
16 11 60 Formula Brookes ENP C 34 38:34.054 29.52 MPH 5.193 1:03.313 32 27
17 3 51 Mullender Associates ENP C 29 38:15.561 25.38 MPH 5.264 1:03.384 5 20
18 4 54 Akita V2 ENP C 31 38:13.188 27.16 MPH 5.275 1:03.395 9 22
19 7 42 Happy Racing ENP C 31 38:59.163 26.62 MPH 5.289 1:03.409 31 12
20 14 6 Hartree Fock Nut Pirates ENP 33 39:02.187 28.3 MPH 5.410 1:03.530 31 6
21 5 47 Akita MNR ENP C 30 35:58.301 27.92 MPH 5.415 1:03.535 25 16
22 4 49 CD30 ENP C 29 38:38.500 25.13 MPH 5.486 1:03.606 29 18
23 10 43 Keen As Mustard ENP C 32 38:59.163 27.48 MPH 5.498 1:03.618 32 13
24 7 48 KOKS Racing Clubmans ENP C 26 38:27.853 22.63 MPH 5.506 1:03.626 15 17
25 14 41 Auditing Armageddon ENP C 32 38:34.168 27.78 MPH 5.720 1:03.840 32 11
26 0 59 Willy And The Woo Woo's ENP C 28 35:16.394 26.58 MPH 5.863 1:03.983 26 26
27 2 58 One Round Wonder ENP C 27 38:19.555 23.59 MPH 5.958 1:04.078 6 25
28 13 46 Slickspeed ENP C 32 39:16.666 27.28 MPH 5.996 1:04.116 28 15
29 10 50 Team Sensible ENP C 32 39:04.604 27.42 MPH 6.283 1:04.403 32 19
30 2 62 BriMedHud ENP C 33 39:18.218 28.11 MPH 6.879 1:04.999 9 28
31 21 40 Do or Die ENP C 33 38:27.692 28.73 MPH 7.524 1:05.644 33 10

ENP Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 6 7 Overdraft Racing 34 38:59.022 29.2 MPH 58.120 28 7
2 21 56 Driving Miss JV C 32 38:37.737 27.74 MPH 1:01.829 18 23
3 2 5 Tanked Up Racing 29 39:06.826 24.82 MPH 1:01.980 29 5
4 0 4 Pure Racing 34 38:28.222 29.59 MPH 1:01.996 21 4
5 16 52 Inkjet Racing C 31 37:50.247 27.43 MPH 1:02.059 23 21
6 2 8 Alliance Racing 31 38:14.608 27.14 MPH 1:02.144 27 8
7 5 2 The Wafty Growlers 28 39:00.337 24.03 MPH 1:02.409 28 2
8 7 1 Ministry Of Speed 32 36:55.412 29.02 MPH 1:02.474 27 1
9 6 3 Es Car Go 28 38:15.889 24.5 MPH 1:02.506 25 3
10 14 57 Clunge Racing C 33 38:22.433 28.79 MPH 1:02.937 13 24
11 2 9 Top Gun 31 39:12.359 26.47 MPH 1:03.088 24 9
12 2 45 Team DGB C 31 37:13.598 27.88 MPH 1:03.267 29 14
13 14 60 Formula Brookes C 34 38:34.054 29.52 MPH 1:03.313 32 27
14 6 51 Mullender Associates C 29 38:15.561 25.38 MPH 1:03.384 5 20
15 7 54 Akita V2 C 31 38:13.188 27.16 MPH 1:03.395 9 22
16 4 42 Happy Racing C 31 38:59.163 26.62 MPH 1:03.409 31 12
17 11 6 Hartree Fock Nut Pirates 33 39:02.187 28.3 MPH 1:03.530 31 6
18 2 47 Akita MNR C 30 35:58.301 27.92 MPH 1:03.535 25 16
19 1 49 CD30 C 29 38:38.500 25.13 MPH 1:03.606 29 18
20 7 43 Keen As Mustard C 32 38:59.163 27.48 MPH 1:03.618 32 13
21 4 48 KOKS Racing Clubmans C 26 38:27.853 22.63 MPH 1:03.626 15 17
22 11 41 Auditing Armageddon C 32 38:34.168 27.78 MPH 1:03.840 32 11
23 3 59 Willy And The Woo Woo's C 28 35:16.394 26.58 MPH 1:03.983 26 26
24 1 58 One Round Wonder C 27 38:19.555 23.59 MPH 1:04.078 6 25
25 10 46 Slickspeed C 32 39:16.666 27.28 MPH 1:04.116 28 15
26 7 50 Team Sensible C 32 39:04.604 27.42 MPH 1:04.403 32 19
27 1 62 BriMedHud C 33 39:18.218 28.11 MPH 1:04.999 9 28
28 18 40 Do or Die C 33 38:27.692 28.73 MPH 1:05.644 33 10

T Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 1 102 JrJrJrJrJrJrJr 27 38:23.637 23.55 MPH 1:01.805 24 30
2 1 103 BPBP 25 38:10.955 21.92 MPH 1:01.996 14 31
3 2 101 NRNRNRNRNR 26 34:06.406 25.52 MPH 1:02.410 23 29