Best Lap
53.595 Alliance Racing (lap 35)
40 Laps (35.68 MPH)

Full Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 6 8 Alliance Racing ENP 39 40:35.140 35.68 MPH 53.595 35 7
2 2 5 Tanked Up Racing ENP 33 39:36.227 30.94 MPH 0.341 53.936 33 4
3 17 54 Akita V2 ENP C 33 40:35.058 30.19 MPH 0.506 54.101 30 20
4 27 102 Barnaby T 19 35:57.416 19.62 MPH 0.595 54.190 18 31
5 1 7 Overdraft Racing ENP 37 40:54.499 33.59 MPH 0.649 54.244 37 6
6 10 49 CD30 ENP C 36 40:56.098 32.66 MPH 0.753 54.348 35 16
7 5 2 The Wafty Growlers ENP 36 40:38.755 32.89 MPH 0.765 54.360 34 2
8 13 56 Driving Miss JV ENP C 33 40:39.679 30.14 MPH 0.930 54.525 33 21
9 15 63 The Bookies Favourite ENP C 34 40:55.032 30.86 MPH 0.939 54.534 33 24
10 9 1 Ministry Of Speed ENP 39 40:07.871 36.09 MPH 1.084 54.679 38 1
11 6 6 Hartree Fock Nut Pirates ENP 34 40:40.950 31.03 MPH 1.111 54.706 32 5
12 18 101 Joe T 24 31:58.906 27.87 MPH 1.125 54.720 24 30
13 4 41 Auditing Armageddon ENP C 40 41:38.709 35.67 MPH 1.125 54.720 35 9
14 2 45 Team DGB ENP C 39 39:50.069 36.36 MPH 1.234 54.829 36 12
15 12 4 Pure Racing ENP 37 41:24.202 33.19 MPH 1.237 54.832 37 3
16 12 44 Cartman ENP C 36 40:32.806 32.97 MPH 1.309 54.904 33 28
17 6 43 Keen As Mustard ENP C 38 40:06.519 35.18 MPH 1.350 54.945 34 11
18 5 58 One Round Wonder ENP C 33 38:03.786 32.19 MPH 1.481 55.076 31 23
19 4 48 KOKS Racing Clubmans ENP C 39 40:38.164 35.64 MPH 1.607 55.202 35 15
20 6 47 Akita MNR ENP C 34 41:31.413 30.41 MPH 1.650 55.245 34 14
21 4 50 Team Sensible ENP C 34 35:52.752 35.19 MPH 1.976 55.571 25 17
22 7 100 Niki T 14 40:36.023 12.81 MPH 2.028 55.623 10 29
23 4 68 The Wookies ENP C 37 39:38.460 34.66 MPH 2.186 55.781 34 27
24 14 42 Happy Racing ENP C 31 40:07.417 28.69 MPH 2.187 55.782 27 10
25 1 67 Speedy Builders ENP C 35 38:49.128 33.48 MPH 2.541 56.136 35 26
26 18 40 Do or Die ENP C 39 41:46.342 34.67 MPH 2.566 56.161 39 8
27 8 52 Inkjet Racing ENP C 33 40:26.075 30.31 MPH 2.754 56.349 23 19
28 6 55 Speed Muppets ENP C 34 39:47.738 31.73 MPH 3.023 56.618 33 22
29 16 46 Slickspeed ENP C 38 41:37.560 33.9 MPH 3.120 56.715 29 13
30 12 51 Mullender Associates ENP C 34 40:51.428 30.9 MPH 4.024 57.619 34 18
31 6 65 Team 1 ENP C 33 40:53.811 29.96 MPH 4.150 57.745 31 25

ENP Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 6 8 Alliance Racing 39 40:35.140 35.68 MPH 53.595 35 7
2 2 5 Tanked Up Racing 33 39:36.227 30.94 MPH 53.936 33 4
3 17 54 Akita V2 C 33 40:35.058 30.19 MPH 54.101 30 20
4 2 7 Overdraft Racing 37 40:54.499 33.59 MPH 54.244 37 6
5 11 49 CD30 C 36 40:56.098 32.66 MPH 54.348 35 16
6 4 2 The Wafty Growlers 36 40:38.755 32.89 MPH 54.360 34 2
7 14 56 Driving Miss JV C 33 40:39.679 30.14 MPH 54.525 33 21
8 16 63 The Bookies Favourite C 34 40:55.032 30.86 MPH 54.534 33 24
9 8 1 Ministry Of Speed 39 40:07.871 36.09 MPH 54.679 38 1
10 5 6 Hartree Fock Nut Pirates 34 40:40.950 31.03 MPH 54.706 32 5
11 2 41 Auditing Armageddon C 40 41:38.709 35.67 MPH 54.720 35 9
12 0 45 Team DGB C 39 39:50.069 36.36 MPH 54.829 36 12
13 10 4 Pure Racing 37 41:24.202 33.19 MPH 54.832 37 3
14 14 44 Cartman C 36 40:32.806 32.97 MPH 54.904 33 28
15 4 43 Keen As Mustard C 38 40:06.519 35.18 MPH 54.945 34 11
16 7 58 One Round Wonder C 33 38:03.786 32.19 MPH 55.076 31 23
17 2 48 KOKS Racing Clubmans C 39 40:38.164 35.64 MPH 55.202 35 15
18 4 47 Akita MNR C 34 41:31.413 30.41 MPH 55.245 34 14
19 2 50 Team Sensible C 34 35:52.752 35.19 MPH 55.571 25 17
20 7 68 The Wookies C 37 39:38.460 34.66 MPH 55.781 34 27
21 11 42 Happy Racing C 31 40:07.417 28.69 MPH 55.782 27 10
22 4 67 Speedy Builders C 35 38:49.128 33.48 MPH 56.136 35 26
23 15 40 Do or Die C 39 41:46.342 34.67 MPH 56.161 39 8
24 5 52 Inkjet Racing C 33 40:26.075 30.31 MPH 56.349 23 19
25 3 55 Speed Muppets C 34 39:47.738 31.73 MPH 56.618 33 22
26 13 46 Slickspeed C 38 41:37.560 33.9 MPH 56.715 29 13
27 9 51 Mullender Associates C 34 40:51.428 30.9 MPH 57.619 34 18
28 3 65 Team 1 C 33 40:53.811 29.96 MPH 57.745 31 25

T Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 2 102 Barnaby 19 35:57.416 19.62 MPH 54.190 18 31
2 0 101 Joe 24 31:58.906 27.87 MPH 54.720 24 30
3 2 100 Niki 14 40:36.023 12.81 MPH 55.623 10 29