Best Lap
43.564 Clunge Racing (lap 5)
48 Laps (36.67 MPH)

Full Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 27 57 Clunge Racing ENP C 42 38:20.830 36.67 MPH 43.564 5 28
2 16 47 Akita MNR ENP C 42 39:08.128 35.93 MPH 3.274 46.838 14 18
3 1 101 N. Richardson T 27 27:10.908 33.26 MPH 3.277 46.841 14 2
4 19 52 Inkjet Racing ENP C 33 33:50.997 32.64 MPH 3.365 46.929 12 23
5 20 56 Driving Miss JV ENP C 42 38:52.222 36.18 MPH 3.367 46.931 23 25
6 0 4 Pure Racing ENP 43 38:40.047 37.23 MPH 3.367 46.931 41 6
7 0 5 Tanked Up Racing ENP 32 38:37.398 27.74 MPH 3.374 46.938 32 7
8 2 8 Alliance Racing ENP 43 39:08.499 36.78 MPH 3.464 47.028 31 10
9 15 54 Akita V2 ENP C 38 39:24.015 32.29 MPH 3.469 47.033 13 24
10 9 1 Ministry Of Speed ENP 44 39:14.886 37.53 MPH 3.498 47.062 36 1
11 2 7 Overdraft Racing ENP 47 39:11.725 40.15 MPH 3.514 47.078 15 9
12 4 6 Hartree Fock Nut Pirates ENP 42 38:27.282 36.57 MPH 3.535 47.099 8 8
13 9 103 J. Waters T 24 24:07.468 33.31 MPH 3.543 47.107 20 4
14 11 102 J. Richardson T 30 27:56.606 35.94 MPH 3.544 47.108 28 3
15 4 9 Top Gun ENP 45 38:25.670 39.21 MPH 3.598 47.162 39 11
16 3 48 KOKS Racing Clubmans ENP C 48 39:01.693 41.18 MPH 3.637 47.201 45 19
17 3 49 CD30 ENP C 39 38:48.629 33.65 MPH 3.640 47.204 31 20
18 4 51 Mullender Associates ENP C 39 39:06.081 33.39 MPH 3.655 47.219 21 22
19 8 98 Enormous Wheelies ENP C 46 38:50.710 39.65 MPH 3.740 47.304 11 27
20 6 42 Happy Racing ENP C 39 39:27.985 33.08 MPH 3.741 47.305 15 14
21 16 3 Es Car Go ENP 35 38:48.122 30.2 MPH 3.753 47.317 5 5
22 5 46 Slickspeed ENP C 48 39:13.962 40.96 MPH 3.830 47.394 13 17
23 8 43 Keen As Mustard ENP C 43 38:50.966 37.06 MPH 3.849 47.413 26 15
24 2 58 One Round Wonder ENP C 36 38:07.982 31.61 MPH 3.896 47.460 5 26
25 12 41 Auditing Armageddon ENP C 46 38:42.353 39.79 MPH 3.914 47.478 19 13
26 5 50 Team Sensible ENP C 40 38:38.150 34.66 MPH 3.957 47.521 15 21
27 11 45 Team DGB ENP C 47 38:22.159 41.01 MPH 4.002 47.566 41 16
28 16 40 Do or Die ENP C 46 38:46.746 39.72 MPH 4.420 47.984 37 12

ENP Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 24 57 Clunge Racing C 42 38:20.830 36.67 MPH 43.564 5 28
2 13 47 Akita MNR C 42 39:08.128 35.93 MPH 46.838 14 18
3 17 52 Inkjet Racing C 33 33:50.997 32.64 MPH 46.929 12 23
4 18 56 Driving Miss JV C 42 38:52.222 36.18 MPH 46.931 23 25
5 2 4 Pure Racing 43 38:40.047 37.23 MPH 46.931 41 6
6 2 5 Tanked Up Racing 32 38:37.398 27.74 MPH 46.938 32 7
7 0 8 Alliance Racing 43 39:08.499 36.78 MPH 47.028 31 10
8 13 54 Akita V2 C 38 39:24.015 32.29 MPH 47.033 13 24
9 8 1 Ministry Of Speed 44 39:14.886 37.53 MPH 47.062 36 1
10 4 7 Overdraft Racing 47 39:11.725 40.15 MPH 47.078 15 9
11 6 6 Hartree Fock Nut Pirates 42 38:27.282 36.57 MPH 47.099 8 8
12 4 9 Top Gun 45 38:25.670 39.21 MPH 47.162 39 11
13 3 48 KOKS Racing Clubmans C 48 39:01.693 41.18 MPH 47.201 45 19
14 3 49 CD30 C 39 38:48.629 33.65 MPH 47.204 31 20
15 4 51 Mullender Associates C 39 39:06.081 33.39 MPH 47.219 21 22
16 8 98 Enormous Wheelies C 46 38:50.710 39.65 MPH 47.304 11 27
17 6 42 Happy Racing C 39 39:27.985 33.08 MPH 47.305 15 14
18 16 3 Es Car Go 35 38:48.122 30.2 MPH 47.317 5 5
19 5 46 Slickspeed C 48 39:13.962 40.96 MPH 47.394 13 17
20 8 43 Keen As Mustard C 43 38:50.966 37.06 MPH 47.413 26 15
21 2 58 One Round Wonder C 36 38:07.982 31.61 MPH 47.460 5 26
22 12 41 Auditing Armageddon C 46 38:42.353 39.79 MPH 47.478 19 13
23 5 50 Team Sensible C 40 38:38.150 34.66 MPH 47.521 15 21
24 11 45 Team DGB C 47 38:22.159 41.01 MPH 47.566 41 16
25 16 40 Do or Die C 46 38:46.746 39.72 MPH 47.984 37 12

T Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 0 101 N. Richardson 27 27:10.908 33.26 MPH 46.841 14 2
2 1 103 J. Waters 24 24:07.468 33.31 MPH 47.107 20 4
3 1 102 J. Richardson 30 27:56.606 35.94 MPH 47.108 28 3