Best Lap
42.210 NR (lap 14)
51 Laps (30.40 MPH)

Full Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 28 101 NR T 28 27:28.537 30.4 MPH 42.210 14 29
2 20 55 Speed Muppets ENP C 42 37:58.894 32.98 MPH 0.002 42.212 10 22
3 14 49 CD30 ENP C 38 38:37.633 29.34 MPH 0.063 42.273 19 17
4 15 51 Mullender Associates ENP C 43 37:29.011 34.22 MPH 0.159 42.369 13 19
5 3 9 Top Gun ENP 23 37:50.646 18.13 MPH 0.178 42.388 7 8
6 7 45 Team DGB ENP C 46 38:50.140 35.33 MPH 0.198 42.408 26 13
7 24 103 JR T 32 26:30.941 36 MPH 0.198 42.408 28 31
8 5 4 Pure Racing ENP 45 39:13.548 34.22 MPH 0.333 42.543 20 3
9 11 52 Inkjet Racing ENP C 44 38:41.198 33.92 MPH 0.348 42.558 29 20
10 11 54 Akita V2 ENP C 45 38:17.012 35.06 MPH 0.402 42.612 42 21
11 17 73 Mobile Chicane ENP C 49 39:18.267 37.19 MPH 0.419 42.629 8 28
12 11 1 Ministry Of Speed ENP 46 39:02.817 35.14 MPH 0.424 42.634 16 1
13 6 8 Alliance Racing ENP 36 38:32.371 27.86 MPH 0.451 42.661 18 7
14 0 46 Slickspeed ENP C 45 38:20.210 35.01 MPH 0.457 42.667 9 14
15 10 70 Racecraft ENP C 48 39:20.926 36.38 MPH 0.496 42.706 40 25
16 1 47 Akita MNR ENP C 44 38:49.500 33.8 MPH 0.500 42.710 35 15
17 12 6 Hartree Fock Nut Pirates ENP 49 39:13.739 37.26 MPH 0.510 42.720 8 5
18 16 3 Es Car Go ENP 31 36:36.085 25.26 MPH 0.530 42.740 23 2
19 13 104 JW T 27 24:46.190 32.51 MPH 0.544 42.754 9 32
20 10 41 Auditing Armageddon ENP C 48 38:15.415 37.42 MPH 0.545 42.755 9 10
21 2 56 Driving Miss JV ENP C 43 38:42.535 33.13 MPH 0.583 42.793 41 23
22 18 5 Tanked Up Racing ENP 41 38:47.986 31.52 MPH 0.644 42.854 18 4
23 7 102 BP T 28 25:29.697 32.76 MPH 0.715 42.925 10 30
24 13 42 Happy Racing ENP C 41 39:25.207 31.02 MPH 0.729 42.939 20 11
25 13 43 Keen As Mustard ENP C 37 39:29.696 27.94 MPH 0.738 42.948 28 12
26 17 40 Do or Die ENP C 51 38:46.354 39.23 MPH 0.764 42.974 29 9
27 3 57 Clunge Racing ENP C 42 38:26.407 32.59 MPH 0.777 42.987 9 24
28 12 48 KOKS Racing Clubmans ENP C 42 37:30.338 33.4 MPH 0.782 42.992 16 16
29 23 7 Overdraft Racing ENP 39 38:37.747 30.11 MPH 0.817 43.027 15 6
30 4 71 Young Guns ENP C 50 39:36.189 37.66 MPH 0.840 43.050 28 26
31 13 50 Team Sensible ENP C 41 38:34.504 31.7 MPH 0.904 43.114 18 18
32 5 72 Mugambo F1 ENP C 51 39:20.593 38.67 MPH 0.931 43.141 41 27

T Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 0 101 NR 28 27:28.537 30.4 MPH 42.210 14 29
2 1 103 JR 32 26:30.941 36 MPH 42.408 28 31
3 1 104 JW 27 24:46.190 32.51 MPH 42.754 9 32
4 2 102 BP 28 25:29.697 32.76 MPH 42.925 10 30

ENP Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 21 55 Speed Muppets C 42 37:58.894 32.98 MPH 42.212 10 22
2 15 49 CD30 C 38 38:37.633 29.34 MPH 42.273 19 17
3 16 51 Mullender Associates C 43 37:29.011 34.22 MPH 42.369 13 19
4 4 9 Top Gun 23 37:50.646 18.13 MPH 42.388 7 8
5 8 45 Team DGB C 46 38:50.140 35.33 MPH 42.408 26 13
6 3 4 Pure Racing 45 39:13.548 34.22 MPH 42.543 20 3
7 13 52 Inkjet Racing C 44 38:41.198 33.92 MPH 42.558 29 20
8 13 54 Akita V2 C 45 38:17.012 35.06 MPH 42.612 42 21
9 19 73 Mobile Chicane C 49 39:18.267 37.19 MPH 42.629 8 28
10 9 1 Ministry Of Speed 46 39:02.817 35.14 MPH 42.634 16 1
11 4 8 Alliance Racing 36 38:32.371 27.86 MPH 42.661 18 7
12 2 46 Slickspeed C 45 38:20.210 35.01 MPH 42.667 9 14
13 12 70 Racecraft C 48 39:20.926 36.38 MPH 42.706 40 25
14 1 47 Akita MNR C 44 38:49.500 33.8 MPH 42.710 35 15
15 10 6 Hartree Fock Nut Pirates 49 39:13.739 37.26 MPH 42.720 8 5
16 14 3 Es Car Go 31 36:36.085 25.26 MPH 42.740 23 2
17 7 41 Auditing Armageddon C 48 38:15.415 37.42 MPH 42.755 9 10
18 5 56 Driving Miss JV C 43 38:42.535 33.13 MPH 42.793 41 23
19 15 5 Tanked Up Racing 41 38:47.986 31.52 MPH 42.854 18 4
20 9 42 Happy Racing C 41 39:25.207 31.02 MPH 42.939 20 11
21 9 43 Keen As Mustard C 37 39:29.696 27.94 MPH 42.948 28 12
22 13 40 Do or Die C 51 38:46.354 39.23 MPH 42.974 29 9
23 1 57 Clunge Racing C 42 38:26.407 32.59 MPH 42.987 9 24
24 8 48 KOKS Racing Clubmans C 42 37:30.338 33.4 MPH 42.992 16 16
25 19 7 Overdraft Racing 39 38:37.747 30.11 MPH 43.027 15 6
26 0 71 Young Guns C 50 39:36.189 37.66 MPH 43.050 28 26
27 9 50 Team Sensible C 41 38:34.504 31.7 MPH 43.114 18 18
28 1 72 Mugambo F1 C 51 39:20.593 38.67 MPH 43.141 41 27