Best Lap
47.758 M & M (lap 34)
34 Laps (0.00 MPH)

Full Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
0 104 JW T 0 0.000 0
1 12 18 M & M ENI 34 29:22.711 38.75 MPH 47.758 34 13
2 8 14 Big Cat Motorsport ENI 31 28:18.032 36.67 MPH 0.258 48.016 31 10
3 1 6 Polo ENI 28 27:42.479 33.83 MPH 0.269 48.027 26 4
4 30 101 NR T 12 13:25.150 29.94 MPH 0.411 48.169 12 34
5 7 17 Bandits ENI 30 29:10.669 34.42 MPH 0.414 48.172 12 12
6 8 19 Loose Heads ENI 33 29:23.142 37.6 MPH 0.588 48.346 33 14
7 1 10 Leatherhead Taxis ENI 33 28:45.008 38.43 MPH 0.643 48.401 31 8
8 1 11 Pixel Pirates ENI 32 29:03.226 36.88 MPH 0.675 48.433 30 9
9 26 102 JR T 16 16:19.736 32.81 MPH 0.770 48.528 9 35
10 5 7 SMJ Racing ENI 32 28:34.395 37.5 MPH 0.856 48.614 28 5
11 16 56 Speedy Builders ENI R 32 28:44.700 37.27 MPH 0.871 48.629 28 27
12 10 3 Team G3pro ENI 27 28:36.739 31.59 MPH 0.922 48.680 14 2
13 12 51 SMIDSY ENI R 31 29:06.608 35.65 MPH 0.971 48.729 29 25
14 1 21 KOKS Racing Inters ENI 33 28:34.182 38.67 MPH 0.987 48.745 27 15
15 14 1 Runtime Exception Racing ENI 33 28:25.904 38.86 MPH 0.998 48.756 11 1
16 9 9 The Stallions Ride Again ENI 28 29:26.698 31.84 MPH 1.003 48.761 26 7
17 12 63 The Nomads ENI R 33 29:19.024 37.69 MPH 1.077 48.835 28 29
18 15 5 Mugambo F1 ENI 33 28:39.218 38.56 MPH 1.232 48.990 29 3
19 1 42 KOKS De La Rosa ENI R 31 28:48.061 36.04 MPH 1.240 48.998 28 18
20 4 40 Yellerbelly ENI R 31 29:06.048 35.67 MPH 1.255 49.013 12 16
21 1 44 The Halls ENI R 25 28:30.523 29.36 MPH 1.300 49.058 19 20
22 2 49 The Outlaws ENI R 30 28:56.318 34.71 MPH 1.371 49.129 29 24
23 12 16 TOSR-RACING ENI 32 28:29.653 37.6 MPH 1.389 49.147 12 11
24 2 52 RaceCraft ENI R 25 28:58.565 28.89 MPH 1.393 49.151 10 26
25 19 8 Lucid Initiatives ENI 31 28:30.282 36.41 MPH 1.483 49.241 27 6
26 5 46 Mobile Chicane ENI R 29 29:01.838 33.45 MPH 1.562 49.320 29 21
27 9 103 BP T 16 16:13.202 33.03 MPH 1.584 49.342 9 36
28 0 57 CKS Throatpunchers ENI R 30 29:01.530 34.6 MPH 1.677 49.435 24 28
29 6 48 Dreckly Racing ENI R 31 29:26.092 35.26 MPH 1.800 49.558 17 23
30 13 41 NoBull Racing ENI R 28 29:10.798 32.13 MPH 1.830 49.588 28 17
31 9 47 Moriwaki ENI R 27 28:35.138 31.62 MPH 1.852 49.610 15 22
32 1 78 Harwoods 1 ENI R 27 28:52.456 31.31 MPH 1.970 49.728 25 31
33 14 43 Farcela G3pro ENI R 22 29:08.551 25.27 MPH 2.096 49.854 9 19
34 2 79 Harwoods 2 ENI R 29 28:42.775 33.82 MPH 3.195 50.953 11 32
35 2 80 Team Bandit Racing ENI R 24 27:38.992 29.06 MPH 3.574 51.332 18 33
36 6 72 ALT F1 ENI R 20 27:44.301 24.14 MPH 8.843 56.601 7 30

T Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 0 104 JW 0 0.000 0
2 0 101 NR 12 13:25.150 29.94 MPH 48.169 12 34
3 0 102 JR 16 16:19.736 32.81 MPH 48.528 9 35
4 0 103 BP 16 16:13.202 33.03 MPH 49.342 9 36

ENI Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 12 18 M & M 34 29:22.711 38.75 MPH 47.758 34 13
2 8 14 Big Cat Motorsport 31 28:18.032 36.67 MPH 48.016 31 10
3 1 6 Polo 28 27:42.479 33.83 MPH 48.027 26 4
4 8 17 Bandits 30 29:10.669 34.42 MPH 48.172 12 12
5 9 19 Loose Heads 33 29:23.142 37.6 MPH 48.346 33 14
6 2 10 Leatherhead Taxis 33 28:45.008 38.43 MPH 48.401 31 8
7 2 11 Pixel Pirates 32 29:03.226 36.88 MPH 48.433 30 9
8 3 7 SMJ Racing 32 28:34.395 37.5 MPH 48.614 28 5
9 18 56 Speedy Builders R 32 28:44.700 37.27 MPH 48.629 28 27
10 8 3 Team G3pro 27 28:36.739 31.59 MPH 48.680 14 2
11 14 51 SMIDSY R 31 29:06.608 35.65 MPH 48.729 29 25
12 3 21 KOKS Racing Inters 33 28:34.182 38.67 MPH 48.745 27 15
13 12 1 Runtime Exception Racing 33 28:25.904 38.86 MPH 48.756 11 1
14 7 9 The Stallions Ride Again 28 29:26.698 31.84 MPH 48.761 26 7
15 14 63 The Nomads R 33 29:19.024 37.69 MPH 48.835 28 29
16 13 5 Mugambo F1 33 28:39.218 38.56 MPH 48.990 29 3
17 1 42 KOKS De La Rosa R 31 28:48.061 36.04 MPH 48.998 28 18
18 2 40 Yellerbelly R 31 29:06.048 35.67 MPH 49.013 12 16
19 1 44 The Halls R 25 28:30.523 29.36 MPH 49.058 19 20
20 4 49 The Outlaws R 30 28:56.318 34.71 MPH 49.129 29 24
21 10 16 TOSR-RACING 32 28:29.653 37.6 MPH 49.147 12 11
22 4 52 RaceCraft R 25 28:58.565 28.89 MPH 49.151 10 26
23 17 8 Lucid Initiatives 31 28:30.282 36.41 MPH 49.241 27 6
24 3 46 Mobile Chicane R 29 29:01.838 33.45 MPH 49.320 29 21
25 3 57 CKS Throatpunchers R 30 29:01.530 34.6 MPH 49.435 24 28
26 3 48 Dreckly Racing R 31 29:26.092 35.26 MPH 49.558 17 23
27 10 41 NoBull Racing R 28 29:10.798 32.13 MPH 49.588 28 17
28 6 47 Moriwaki R 27 28:35.138 31.62 MPH 49.610 15 22
29 2 78 Harwoods 1 R 27 28:52.456 31.31 MPH 49.728 25 31
30 11 43 Farcela G3pro R 22 29:08.551 25.27 MPH 49.854 9 19
31 1 79 Harwoods 2 R 29 28:42.775 33.82 MPH 50.953 11 32
32 1 80 Team Bandit Racing R 24 27:38.992 29.06 MPH 51.332 18 33
33 3 72 ALT F1 R 20 27:44.301 24.14 MPH 56.601 7 30