Best Lap
28.001 Max (lap 26)
34 Laps (38.44 MPH)
Pos No Name Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On
1 0 16 Max 34 16:45.262 38.44 MPH 28.001 26
2 0 10 The turk 33 16:32.729 37.78 MPH 0.280 28.281 20
3 2 11 The Real Real Turk 33 16:37.984 37.58 MPH 0.648 28.649 27
4 0 5 The Real Turk 33 16:46.225 37.27 MPH 0.707 28.708 23
5 2 7 Swin 33 16:42.902 37.39 MPH 0.738 28.739 29
6 1 14 Sultan of shaw 33 16:32.882 37.77 MPH 0.839 28.840 32
7 1 9 The Real Real Real Turk 32 16:35.625 36.53 MPH 1.190 29.191 30