Best Lap
43.998 The Halls (lap 14)
36 Laps (37.47 MPH)

Full Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 21 44 The Halls ENI R 33 28:14.589 37.47 MPH 43.998 14 22
2 2 6 Polo ENI 30 28:23.147 33.89 MPH 0.163 44.161 7 4
3 34 102 BP T 13 15:02.228 27.72 MPH 0.167 44.165 9 37
4 17 43 Farcela G3pro ENI R 32 28:10.269 36.42 MPH 0.321 44.319 3 21
5 3 3 Team G3pro ENI 32 28:06.367 36.51 MPH 0.341 44.339 10 2
6 32 103 JR T 5 3:50.211 41.78 MPH 0.341 44.339 5 38
7 6 18 M & M ENI 31 27:28.159 36.19 MPH 0.349 44.347 22 13
8 20 57 CKS Throatpunchers ENI R 34 28:24.652 38.37 MPH 0.397 44.395 33 28
9 6 5 Mugambo F1 ENI 36 28:38.746 40.3 MPH 0.399 44.397 35 3
10 5 7 SMJ Racing ENI 30 28:48.349 33.39 MPH 0.429 44.427 7 5
11 23 76 Worchester Raptors ENI R 34 27:59.160 38.96 MPH 0.453 44.451 8 34
12 4 10 Leatherhead Taxis ENI 33 28:08.842 37.59 MPH 0.491 44.489 31 8
13 11 49 The Outlaws ENI R 33 27:36.166 38.33 MPH 0.511 44.509 22 24
14 0 19 Loose Heads ENI 34 27:44.177 39.31 MPH 0.519 44.517 15 14
15 11 52 RaceCraft ENI R 34 27:54.245 39.07 MPH 0.542 44.540 9 26
16 4 17 Bandits ENI 33 28:18.434 37.38 MPH 0.552 44.550 21 12
17 0 26 Team 130R ENI 33 27:28.323 38.52 MPH 0.556 44.554 22 17
18 17 1 Runtime Exception Racing ENI 34 27:10.655 40.11 MPH 0.568 44.566 33 1
19 4 21 KOKS Racing Inters ENI 35 28:16.656 39.69 MPH 0.628 44.626 8 15
20 10 14 Big Cat Motorsport ENI 35 28:11.266 39.81 MPH 0.659 44.657 9 10
21 4 51 SMIDSY ENI R 35 28:18.960 39.63 MPH 0.741 44.739 25 25
22 13 11 Pixel Pirates ENI 31 28:09.650 35.3 MPH 0.748 44.746 25 9
23 17 8 Lucid Initiatives ENI 34 28:04.306 38.84 MPH 0.797 44.795 10 6
24 8 22 BGID ENI 32 28:13.660 36.35 MPH 0.820 44.818 30 16
25 4 63 The Nomads ENI R 33 27:51.088 37.99 MPH 0.859 44.857 12 29
26 7 41 NoBull Racing ENI R 34 28:27.831 38.3 MPH 0.971 44.969 31 19
27 4 48 Dreckly Racing ENI R 34 27:49.631 39.18 MPH 0.990 44.988 20 23
28 21 9 The Stallions Ride Again ENI 20 26:06.049 24.57 MPH 1.129 45.127 17 7
29 18 16 TOSR-RACING ENI 29 23:19.170 39.88 MPH 1.190 45.188 4 11
30 3 56 Speedy Builders ENI R 33 28:07.518 37.62 MPH 1.205 45.203 8 27
31 13 28 Team 1 ENI 32 28:56.256 35.46 MPH 1.329 45.327 14 18
32 1 73 Big Cat Motorsport ENI R 31 27:39.285 35.94 MPH 1.358 45.356 11 31
33 13 42 KOKS De La Rosa ENI R 33 28:01.501 37.76 MPH 1.648 45.646 8 20
34 1 77 Tyre'd And Exhausted ENI R 30 27:57.412 34.41 MPH 2.326 46.324 25 35
35 3 74 Wolf ENI R 31 27:51.346 35.68 MPH 2.599 46.597 8 32
36 6 66 Team Black Sheep Racing ENI R 28 28:13.500 31.81 MPH 2.662 46.660 17 30
37 4 75 Drive It Like We Stole It ENI R 15 27:24.939 17.54 MPH 3.242 47.240 15 33
DNS 101 NR T 0 0.000 - 36

ENI Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 21 44 The Halls R 33 28:14.589 37.47 MPH 43.998 14 22
2 2 6 Polo 30 28:23.147 33.89 MPH 44.161 7 4
3 18 43 Farcela G3pro R 32 28:10.269 36.42 MPH 44.319 3 21
4 2 3 Team G3pro 32 28:06.367 36.51 MPH 44.339 10 2
5 8 18 M & M 31 27:28.159 36.19 MPH 44.347 22 13
6 22 57 CKS Throatpunchers R 34 28:24.652 38.37 MPH 44.395 33 28
7 4 5 Mugambo F1 36 28:38.746 40.3 MPH 44.397 35 3
8 3 7 SMJ Racing 30 28:48.349 33.39 MPH 44.427 7 5
9 25 76 Worchester Raptors R 34 27:59.160 38.96 MPH 44.451 8 34
10 2 10 Leatherhead Taxis 33 28:08.842 37.59 MPH 44.489 31 8
11 13 49 The Outlaws R 33 27:36.166 38.33 MPH 44.509 22 24
12 2 19 Loose Heads 34 27:44.177 39.31 MPH 44.517 15 14
13 13 52 RaceCraft R 34 27:54.245 39.07 MPH 44.540 9 26
14 2 17 Bandits 33 28:18.434 37.38 MPH 44.550 21 12
15 2 26 Team 130R 33 27:28.323 38.52 MPH 44.554 22 17
16 15 1 Runtime Exception Racing 34 27:10.655 40.11 MPH 44.566 33 1
17 2 21 KOKS Racing Inters 35 28:16.656 39.69 MPH 44.626 8 15
18 8 14 Big Cat Motorsport 35 28:11.266 39.81 MPH 44.657 9 10
19 6 51 SMIDSY R 35 28:18.960 39.63 MPH 44.739 25 25
20 11 11 Pixel Pirates 31 28:09.650 35.3 MPH 44.746 25 9
21 15 8 Lucid Initiatives 34 28:04.306 38.84 MPH 44.795 10 6
22 6 22 BGID 32 28:13.660 36.35 MPH 44.818 30 16
23 6 63 The Nomads R 33 27:51.088 37.99 MPH 44.857 12 29
24 5 41 NoBull Racing R 34 28:27.831 38.3 MPH 44.969 31 19
25 2 48 Dreckly Racing R 34 27:49.631 39.18 MPH 44.988 20 23
26 19 9 The Stallions Ride Again 20 26:06.049 24.57 MPH 45.127 17 7
27 16 16 TOSR-RACING 29 23:19.170 39.88 MPH 45.188 4 11
28 1 56 Speedy Builders R 33 28:07.518 37.62 MPH 45.203 8 27
29 11 28 Team 1 32 28:56.256 35.46 MPH 45.327 14 18
30 1 73 Big Cat Motorsport R 31 27:39.285 35.94 MPH 45.356 11 31
31 11 42 KOKS De La Rosa R 33 28:01.501 37.76 MPH 45.646 8 20
32 3 77 Tyre'd And Exhausted R 30 27:57.412 34.41 MPH 46.324 25 35
33 1 74 Wolf R 31 27:51.346 35.68 MPH 46.597 8 32
34 4 66 Team Black Sheep Racing R 28 28:13.500 31.81 MPH 46.660 17 30
35 2 75 Drive It Like We Stole It R 15 27:24.939 17.54 MPH 47.240 15 33

T Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On Pts
1 1 102 BP 13 15:02.228 27.72 MPH 44.165 9 37
2 1 103 JR 5 3:50.211 41.78 MPH 44.339 5 38
DNS 101 NR 0 0.000 36