Best Lap
53.551 Team Agev (lap 22)
36 Laps (32.90 MPH)
Light cloud 18°C Track: Dry

Full Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On
1 36 85 Team Agev EN I 28 33:38.059 32.9 MPH 53.551 22
2 6 10 Palatinate Racing EN P 33 33:56.258 38.43 MPH 0.347 53.898 9
3 2 7 Mitan Totersport EN P 21 33:24.986 24.84 MPH 0.395 53.946 18
4 3 1 Titan Motorsport EN P 33 33:30.915 38.91 MPH 0.414 53.965 32
5 2 4 Scuderia Bandito EN P 34 33:47.090 39.77 MPH 0.437 53.988 10
6 34 EM EM T 8 9:33.417 33.08 MPH 0.495 54.046 7
7 9 27 JK Rolling EN C 33 33:55.557 38.44 MPH 0.496 54.047 9
8 2 8 Team Applewood EN P 35 33:51.658 40.85 MPH 0.540 54.091 17
9 1 21 Slickspeed EN C 35 33:37.554 41.14 MPH 0.593 54.144 23
10 28 SD SD T 9 13:57.661 25.48 MPH 0.600 54.151 8
11 6 28 Auditing Armageddon EN C 34 33:47.124 39.77 MPH 0.603 54.154 13
12 7 30 Conman Racing EN C 35 34:26.530 40.16 MPH 0.603 54.154 14
13 11 3 G3 Pro EN P 33 33:02.145 39.48 MPH 0.656 54.207 6
14 6 31 Runtime Exception Racing EN C 35 33:31.975 41.25 MPH 0.666 54.217 9
15 10 47 The Three Swans EN I 33 33:28.392 38.96 MPH 0.667 54.218 28
16 18 68 Wait This Isn't A Simrig? EN I 34 33:50.636 39.7 MPH 0.728 54.279 11
17 8 20 Speedscreen EN C 32 33:58.102 37.23 MPH 0.728 54.279 24
18 0 29 SMJK Racing EN C 35 34:06.140 40.56 MPH 0.776 54.327 15
19 9 53 The Centurians EN I 32 33:51.100 37.36 MPH 0.934 54.485 19
20 19 FS FS T 15 25:11.793 23.53 MPH 0.938 54.489 9
21 17 6 CKS Throatpunchers EN P 35 33:28.331 41.33 MPH 0.954 54.505 13
22 1 32 Seventy7 EN C 34 34:27.939 38.99 MPH 0.955 54.506 11
23 16 9 G3 Pro Farecla EN P 34 33:13.655 40.44 MPH 0.963 54.514 15
24 7 64 Formula None EN I 35 33:58.752 40.71 MPH 1.009 54.560 7
25 12 24 All Torque Racing EN C 34 33:44.160 39.83 MPH 1.027 54.578 16
26 15 22 Slowcoach Racing EN C 35 34:18.424 40.32 MPH 1.046 54.597 29
27 4 41 Brillio EN I 34 33:38.271 39.95 MPH 1.055 54.606 9
28 16 23 Grizzly Racing EN C 36 34:05.189 41.74 MPH 1.210 54.761 27
29 7 38 11th Hour Racing EN C 34 33:45.803 39.8 MPH 1.252 54.803 24
30 0 57 BIGSKY Racing EN I 34 33:44.168 39.83 MPH 1.380 54.931 5
31 16 26 Lucid Initiatives EN C 33 34:27.157 37.85 MPH 1.425 54.976 5
32 8 42 J2D2 EN I 35 33:46.522 40.95 MPH 1.518 55.069 11
33 6 52 Wisper EN I 32 33:57.697 37.24 MPH 1.552 55.103 26
34 1 67 Hogers Rugo Racing EN I 35 34:03.976 40.6 MPH 1.565 55.116 9
35 9 50 Club 16-48 + EN I 34 33:35.417 40 MPH 1.647 55.198 28
36 1 70 Two And A Half Men EN I 34 33:36.968 39.97 MPH 1.929 55.480 9
37 8 56 Rothermill Racing EN I 34 33:58.322 39.55 MPH 1.992 55.543 33
38 24 25 DDMM Barnstormers EN C 8 34:22.091 9.2 MPH 2.225 55.776 4
39 7 66 Annies Boys EN I 32 33:21.105 37.92 MPH 2.393 55.944 12
40 4 74 Academy Estate EN I 25 33:09.581 29.8 MPH 2.906 56.457 14

EN Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On
1 36 85 Team Agev I 28 33:38.059 32.9 MPH 53.551 22
2 6 10 Palatinate Racing P 33 33:56.258 38.43 MPH 53.898 9
3 2 7 Mitan Totersport P 21 33:24.986 24.84 MPH 53.946 18
4 3 1 Titan Motorsport P 33 33:30.915 38.91 MPH 53.965 32
5 2 4 Scuderia Bandito P 34 33:47.090 39.77 MPH 53.988 10
6 10 27 JK Rolling C 33 33:55.557 38.44 MPH 54.047 9
7 1 8 Team Applewood P 35 33:51.658 40.85 MPH 54.091 17
8 2 21 Slickspeed C 35 33:37.554 41.14 MPH 54.144 23
9 8 28 Auditing Armageddon C 34 33:47.124 39.77 MPH 54.154 13
10 9 30 Conman Racing C 35 34:26.530 40.16 MPH 54.154 14
11 9 3 G3 Pro P 33 33:02.145 39.48 MPH 54.207 6
12 8 31 Runtime Exception Racing C 35 33:31.975 41.25 MPH 54.217 9
13 12 47 The Three Swans I 33 33:28.392 38.96 MPH 54.218 28
14 20 68 Wait This Isn't A Simrig? I 34 33:50.636 39.7 MPH 54.279 11
15 6 20 Speedscreen C 32 33:58.102 37.23 MPH 54.279 24
16 2 29 SMJK Racing C 35 34:06.140 40.56 MPH 54.327 15
17 11 53 The Centurians I 32 33:51.100 37.36 MPH 54.485 19
18 14 6 CKS Throatpunchers P 35 33:28.331 41.33 MPH 54.505 13
19 2 32 Seventy7 C 34 34:27.939 38.99 MPH 54.506 11
20 13 9 G3 Pro Farecla P 34 33:13.655 40.44 MPH 54.514 15
21 10 64 Formula None I 35 33:58.752 40.71 MPH 54.560 7
22 9 24 All Torque Racing C 34 33:44.160 39.83 MPH 54.578 16
23 12 22 Slowcoach Racing C 35 34:18.424 40.32 MPH 54.597 29
24 1 41 Brillio I 34 33:38.271 39.95 MPH 54.606 9
25 13 23 Grizzly Racing C 36 34:05.189 41.74 MPH 54.761 27
26 4 38 11th Hour Racing C 34 33:45.803 39.8 MPH 54.803 24
27 3 57 BIGSKY Racing I 34 33:44.168 39.83 MPH 54.931 5
28 13 26 Lucid Initiatives C 33 34:27.157 37.85 MPH 54.976 5
29 5 42 J2D2 I 35 33:46.522 40.95 MPH 55.069 11
30 3 52 Wisper I 32 33:57.697 37.24 MPH 55.103 26
31 2 67 Hogers Rugo Racing I 35 34:03.976 40.6 MPH 55.116 9
32 6 50 Club 16-48 + I 34 33:35.417 40 MPH 55.198 28
33 2 70 Two And A Half Men I 34 33:36.968 39.97 MPH 55.480 9
34 5 56 Rothermill Racing I 34 33:58.322 39.55 MPH 55.543 33
35 21 25 DDMM Barnstormers C 8 34:22.091 9.2 MPH 55.776 4
36 4 66 Annies Boys I 32 33:21.105 37.92 MPH 55.944 12
37 1 74 Academy Estate I 25 33:09.581 29.8 MPH 56.457 14

T Result

Pos No Name Cls Laps Time Avg Speed Gap Best On
1 2 EM EM 8 9:33.417 33.08 MPH 54.046 7
2 1 SD SD 9 13:57.661 25.48 MPH 54.151 8
3 1 FS FS 15 25:11.793 23.53 MPH 54.489 9